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New technologies and infrastructures for assessing carbon and water fluxes from individual tree to ecosystem level


Mai-He Li

eLTER Switzerland, Swiss Federal Institute for Forest, Snow and Landscape Research WSL



Session Description

Global environmental changes such as raising temperatures, reduced water availability, increasing CO2 concentrations and excessive nitrogen deposition will strongly affect terrestrial ecosystem structure, functioning and services. Therefore, the Swiss long-term forest ecosystem research programme LWF ( and the biological drought and growth indicator network TreeNet ( aim to detect environmentally induced changes in forest ecosystems, to better understand the underlying processes and mechanisms, and further to predict the future state of forest ecosystems in a changing world. Among all involved aspects, water and carbon relations are two of the most crucial issues related to ecosystem processes. For example, the currently worldwide increasing forest mortality has been proposed to be a consequence of either hydrological failure or of carbon starvation or of the combination of both. However, our ability to explore the water- and carbon-related physiological processes and mechanisms is strongly dependent on the technological advances and infrastructure. Thus, this session aims to gather scientists, industrial developers, end-users, and other stakeholders from different fields to share the latest technologies, recent results and to discuss the future possibilities and implications of “New technologies and infrastructures for carbon and water research from individual tree to ecosystem level”.


Session Justification

The need for sophisticated and new technologies has never been so urgent for a better understanding of ecosystem processes and the underlying mechanisms in a rapidly changing world. At the same time, technologies have greatly advanced e.g. in the field of isotopes, remote sensing, wireless sensor networks and others allowing for more precise measurements from the leaf- to ecosystem level. Closely to the 4th theme of the “general topical themes” of OSM, we propose to organize a session to gather scientists, industrial developers, end-users, and other stakeholders from different fields to share recent results and to discuss the future possibilities and implications of “New technologies and infrastructures for assessing carbon and water fluxes from individual tree to ecosystem level” (i.e. Title of our session). The session will include approx. 10 speakers.


One Sentence Session Summary

Technological advances and novel infrastructure are crucial for a better understanding of the water- and carbon-balance of trees and forests and the related physiological processes and mechanisms, to project trajectories of forest ecosystems and to provide adaptive management in a changing world.

Special Session

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