Call for session proposal of the ILTER OSM
14-19 October 2024
Xishuangbanna, China
Dear ILTER members and scientists,
Our largest event, held every three years, learn about latest scientific outcomes from the LTER world and network within the global community. There will be five overarching themes, a range of special sessions, and well-known guest speakers in the coming ILTER Open Science Meeting (OSM) in 14-19 October.
The meeting will encompass academic sessions, plenary lectures, social events, and field trips. Do not miss this opportunity to exchange knowledge and network with the global LTER community and further interested researchers and stakeholders.
From our experience in previous OSM, we learned that participants are looking for interactive meetings beyond the regular oral presentations and posters. So, the ILTER network is opening the OSM for creative ideas for sessions. Please submit your proposals for special sessions. The structure of the special session includes interactive workshops, technical workshops, hands on training, data sharing, concept developing and any other creative ideas.
The ideas may or may not fit our general topical themes:
1. Sensitivity, mechanisms, and adaptation of biodiversity to climate change
2. Environmental pollution, ecosystem restoration and management
3. Social Ecological Resilience against external shocks from pandemics to climate change
4. New technologies and infrastructures for ecosystem research
5. Application of ILTER science to environmental issues